Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Response to HPB controversy

I'm not lesbian or bisexual, and really I don't see a point of announcing my sexual orientation but I do anticipate being asked this question so might as well answer it now. Fact: I dislike the term LGBT. It's kind of like this; there's people who are straight and there's people who are LGBT. It's as if LGBTs are people who are in a totally different category, when we are all, well, humans. Honestly, how can we call Singapore a country that stands for equality and harmony regardless of race, language or religion when we can't even embrace basic human preferences? (Okay not sure if 'preferences' is the most appropriate word)

From what I see, promoting homosexuality will not result in higher number of LGBTs, there will just be more people admitting the fact that they are not straight. People who are not straight can't change who they are; in mathematical terms, n is a constant regardless of whether there are pro- homosexuality campaigns or not.

And supposedly, this campaign by HPB is going against another ministry's concept of a "traditional family" of of course, parents of opposite genders plus children(if any). This is where I'd like to bring in something that the HPB said:" remains the basic building block of our society. This means encouraging homosexuals married couples to have healthy relationships and to build stable nuclear and extended family units." Maybe it's time to rethink the whole concept of family; what is "traditional"? Or perhaps "acceptable"? Does it really matter that much.

I'm not sure if I'm being ignorant here but I do see a positive light in promoting homosexual-led families instead of illegalising it(sorry creating new words since my vocab is limited) because it probably means that there will be more take up for adoptions which means more abandoned kids getting a chance to be part of a family unit. Just my small food for thought.

I usually prefer to stand on the fence but for this one I'm definitely pro-HPB.

Weekly Quote

"Whether you take the doughnut hole as a blank space or as an entity unto itself is a purely metaphysical question and does not affect the taste of the doughnut one bit' - Haruki Murakami.
Many ways to decipher this quote... Thought it would be great to start the blog with a worthy quote from my favourite author; gives off a more "official" feel.