Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Response to my GL2102 essay

Omg I don't get why I'm having so much trouble writing my GL2102 essay... My current confidence level is like zero and I just keep deleting&addingdeleting&adding meaningless words onto a Microsoft Word page.

Am I not cut out for Global Studies...?


  1. hi there!! I somehow stumbled upon your blog while researching about global studies modules hehe and I absolutely love reading your posts. you even inspired me to find out more about wwoof and WOW I'm sold. I'm just another jc graduate who has gotten her a level results and lost about what in major in uni, and researching about the modules these few weeks has made me interested in global studies.
    I would like to ask if there a high chance of going on exchange/internship or is the competition very high among GL Majors? I really want to experience studying overseas (i have a dream of travelling the world one day but i guess some dreams are too hard to fulfil and I'll be contented with visiting those i love!) but since my grades can get me into local unis my parents aren't approving overseas uni. Hence, I hope to be able to go overseas for at least a sem. Hope that you can give me more insight about this since I could'nt really find out more about it at the open house :/ Oh and another question! This question isn't rlly about GL but do u happen to live in a hall and is the experience worth having? Thanks so much for taking your time to read this :)

    1. Hi Anonymous, it's an honour to have you read my blog:)
      What a sweet comment you gave!
      When applying for internships, you are competing with at least, the whole FASS as Arts/Social Sciences-inclined internships do not usually specifically ask for GL majors, but rather, FASS in general.
      As for exchange, I believe the same applies. Competing within FASS rather than within GL. As for high/low competition, it often depends on where you want to go. Asian countries apart from Korea and Japan are usually not so popular and hence easier to clinch since you're competing with less people. For Japan, Korea, UK, US and some European unis, competition can be tough! CAP will prove to be important.
      As you might have read, I went on an internship to Japan after Year 1. I want to highlight that this is not common, but very achievable if you want it to. And my saviour is the NUS International Relations Office(IRO). NUS has a good system when it comes to overseas opportunities. The people at NUS IRO are awesome but unfortunately not appreciated and exploited enough by students!!! Super surprised that around 70% of my friends (not that I have many) do not know about IRO?! Highly recommended for you to check out the NUS IRO website! (In fact, I visit their website at least once every 2 weeks 'cos it's constantly updated) Also, other than overseas exchange or internship, you may also consider NOC which involves being 0.5-1 year overseas.
      And I totally get you about the overseas uni part. I took IB so I would say it was really easy for me to get into overseas uni. But not good enough to get a scholarship. As I mentioned before, my dad is a taxi driver, he doesn't have extra like $50k per year to send me overseas. Yes, so I am in local uni. But I do not regret it because I don't think it has deprived me of chances to travel/study/intern overseas. We can choose to make the best out of what we have!
      Lastly, I do not live in hall unfortunately. I did get into Eusoff but had to reject them as I didn't get my parents' consent + it was an additional financial burden anyway. I think hall life is great for making friends (something that really requires extra effort in FASS and especially GL 'cos we're always "department-hopping"). Halls usually have activities like hall supper and music nights, etc or even OCIP trips it can be loads of fun. You're also forced to take care of yourself I guess, though I do know people who bring home their laundry every weekend haha. Cons would be overload of CCAs if you wish to stay more than 1 sem, not sleeping early unless you wanna be a phantom, people wanting to come into your room even if you might not want them to. Note that these are just some of the stuff I heard from my friends who stay in hall.

  2. Well that was bloody long. I'm going to make this a blog post.
