Hello, my lovely readers.
I have some news. I'm shifting. For good.
To wordpress haha. I've been trying to manage 2 other blogs on wordpress as well as this one on blogger and it's just getting crazy so I decided to combine everything together. You probably won't find my blog via google anymore 'cos I'll be starting from zero leads when I import this blog over. I think.
Thank you for the views so far. We're surprisingly at almost 5,000 lol. Small number by today's standards but I'm still deeply humbled.
Anyway, click here for my new blog: www.enaeki.wordpress.com
See you there! :)
Since 2014.
The responsibility to respond.
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Recent results
HELLO! My blog is a hermit crab who has found a new home: https://enaeki.wordpress.com
A- for two final essays of two GL core modules - Awesome!
Update #1: And an A for this socio essay. Was very surprised with the grading.
Too bad they're all only 20% and that I screwed up my midterms and that essay before this one.
#lessonlearned since Y1S1 but repeated each following semester.
Consistency is really key in college. Trust me, it's always too late to salvage anything later in the semester.
Update #2: Screwed up my finals for GL2103. Always kena death sentence by finals sigh.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Also, 3rd Q&A for NUS Global Studies
HELLO! My blog is a hermit crab who has found a new home: https://enaeki.wordpress.com/
Recently, I received a comment from Anonymous again regarding NUS' Global Studies curriculum.I think the NUS GL website is quite clear with the main framework of the curriculum but was just wondering if anyone has any questions about this major because I know it's relatively new and rather complicated (actually not really once you start planning out your studies).
You may post your questions in the comments section and I will answer them after my finals (5 May).
If it's about freshman admin stuff, I came across this post: https://weitheblur.wordpress.com/2014/07/17/freshie-in-fass-survival-guide-life-hacks/
Not sponsored to post this. Have no idea who this is. But it's a comprehensive enough post. Of course, if you prefer hearing from yours truly too, lemme know yeah.
Okay, that's all for now/ See you all in 3 weeks' time. Fuck, I ONLY HAVE 3 WEEKS?! FUCK I DID NOT REALISE.
Okay no point panicking.
Omg we've reached 4,444 views on this blog! Super happy because 4 is my absolute favourite number:) Thanks for dropping by everyone!
On a side note, a quote for those who are also enlisted in the semester-ly Hunger Games:
"Death isn’t sad. The sad thing is: most people don’t live at all." - from 'Peaceful Warrior'.
Remember to breathe, my dear friends. May the bell-curve be with you.
On a side note, a quote for those who are also enlisted in the semester-ly Hunger Games:
"Death isn’t sad. The sad thing is: most people don’t live at all." - from 'Peaceful Warrior'.
Remember to breathe, my dear friends. May the bell-curve be with you.
Monday, 28 March 2016
I made a decision
To not go for an all-expenses paid trip to Uganda.
Some of you may be thinking, "Damn wasted leh!", "Is she crazy??"...
Just so you know, I have always been.
Anyway, just a brief summary of how I got this opportunity in the first place: As I've mentioned before, I was got to go to Japan on an internship (which was too, all-expenses paid). This year, the same organisation offered me an internship at their office in Uganda. When I first received the email, I wasn't too sure about the job scope but still expressed my interest. Did the interview, secured the internship. I'm always one who jumps at every chance to go overseas. Which is also why I am now quite shocked at my own decision haha. I'm not too sure if this is progression or regression.
There are three main reasons why I decided to reject this wonderful opportunity (Even as I wrote the email to reject the internship, I was very aware of how awesome it is).
One, I have many things that I want and need to do in Singapore. Surprisingly. I can cross off a lot of things that I want and need to complete by staying in Singapore. There are many things that I want to solve in my immediate environment and local community.
Two, my sister had a liver transplant earlier this year. My mum said that I should just go ahead, but I kinda wanna be here for my family.
Three is a little personal: I don't think I'm good enough to do what the internship requires of me. I think it's okay for me to reveal this; the internship mainly involves mentoring students who are going to start college this fall. I just don't think that I have the capacity to be someone who can teach college content well because I am barely surviving myself. My parents and some of my friends told me that I was just lacking self-confidence. I told them, no, I am being self-aware of my capabilities and my lack of knowledge. I just think it's unfair if the students have to put up with a mediocre teacher.
Yes, academically, I am very mediocre. And I have my grades to prove it haha. I know I won't have any problems interacting with students and having a good time with them but that is just half of what this internship entails. I believe someone else will be able to fill the shoes better.
My mum said that I will regret this and that I "always regret" my decisions. But I realised I have been having second thoughts from the very beginning and up until the moment I set my mind to reject the internship offer. I kept trying to convince myself that this will be the right thing to do. But I never had to do this for my Japan internship. Sure, I was anxious and nervous before embarking on my Japan internship but never once did this fear make me consider otherwise. My desire outweighed my fears.
As I always believe, if there is hesitation, it means that I don't want it enough.
This is actually the second rejection of the year from my part. I'm not trying to brag but instead, I want to remind everyone that it is okay to just go out there and explore several options. Like I said before, I am a very mediocre student. If I can do it, you can definitely do it (perhaps even better). Anyway, I previously got into a two-week Sino-Singapore exchange but I rejected their offer in favour of the Uganda one. Both made me grow especially in terms of honing my interview skills and helping me discover what I really want, so I am very thankful for both of these opportunities as well as their affirmation for me.
Throughout the whole of March, I had friends who gave me really good advice or were just great being a listening ear. I think one piece of advice that I will remember for a long time is "Just put 10% in making the decision and 90% in doing it well". I didn't exactly use only 10% in decision-making haha and I definitely not sure if my 90% was enough. I need more time to develop myself as a more capable individual first. And like I mentioned, it's not fair to bring in other people as guinea pigs so that I can have a successful experiment. I will go back, if given the chance, with better knowledge and equipment.
Final note: Right now, I have my eyes on some local internships and short overseas program like TISP2016. Will update progress soon.
Some of you may be thinking, "Damn wasted leh!", "Is she crazy??"...
Just so you know, I have always been.
Anyway, just a brief summary of how I got this opportunity in the first place: As I've mentioned before, I was got to go to Japan on an internship (which was too, all-expenses paid). This year, the same organisation offered me an internship at their office in Uganda. When I first received the email, I wasn't too sure about the job scope but still expressed my interest. Did the interview, secured the internship. I'm always one who jumps at every chance to go overseas. Which is also why I am now quite shocked at my own decision haha. I'm not too sure if this is progression or regression.
There are three main reasons why I decided to reject this wonderful opportunity (Even as I wrote the email to reject the internship, I was very aware of how awesome it is).
One, I have many things that I want and need to do in Singapore. Surprisingly. I can cross off a lot of things that I want and need to complete by staying in Singapore. There are many things that I want to solve in my immediate environment and local community.
Two, my sister had a liver transplant earlier this year. My mum said that I should just go ahead, but I kinda wanna be here for my family.
Three is a little personal: I don't think I'm good enough to do what the internship requires of me. I think it's okay for me to reveal this; the internship mainly involves mentoring students who are going to start college this fall. I just don't think that I have the capacity to be someone who can teach college content well because I am barely surviving myself. My parents and some of my friends told me that I was just lacking self-confidence. I told them, no, I am being self-aware of my capabilities and my lack of knowledge. I just think it's unfair if the students have to put up with a mediocre teacher.
Yes, academically, I am very mediocre. And I have my grades to prove it haha. I know I won't have any problems interacting with students and having a good time with them but that is just half of what this internship entails. I believe someone else will be able to fill the shoes better.
My mum said that I will regret this and that I "always regret" my decisions. But I realised I have been having second thoughts from the very beginning and up until the moment I set my mind to reject the internship offer. I kept trying to convince myself that this will be the right thing to do. But I never had to do this for my Japan internship. Sure, I was anxious and nervous before embarking on my Japan internship but never once did this fear make me consider otherwise. My desire outweighed my fears.
As I always believe, if there is hesitation, it means that I don't want it enough.
This is actually the second rejection of the year from my part. I'm not trying to brag but instead, I want to remind everyone that it is okay to just go out there and explore several options. Like I said before, I am a very mediocre student. If I can do it, you can definitely do it (perhaps even better). Anyway, I previously got into a two-week Sino-Singapore exchange but I rejected their offer in favour of the Uganda one. Both made me grow especially in terms of honing my interview skills and helping me discover what I really want, so I am very thankful for both of these opportunities as well as their affirmation for me.
Throughout the whole of March, I had friends who gave me really good advice or were just great being a listening ear. I think one piece of advice that I will remember for a long time is "Just put 10% in making the decision and 90% in doing it well". I didn't exactly use only 10% in decision-making haha and I definitely not sure if my 90% was enough. I need more time to develop myself as a more capable individual first. And like I mentioned, it's not fair to bring in other people as guinea pigs so that I can have a successful experiment. I will go back, if given the chance, with better knowledge and equipment.
Final note: Right now, I have my eyes on some local internships and short overseas program like TISP2016. Will update progress soon.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
My second Q&A???
The following question is posted by Max Tan, who actually posted this in Aug 2015. I never bothered checking for comments back then 'cos I thought I was just talking to myself most of the time.
"Hi, freshman here. Was wondering why you decided to major in global studies and what are the job prospects of it?"My reply
"Hello Max,
I decided to major in Global Studies because I always envisioned to become a "global citizen", as in at the very least, someone who knows enough about this world to relate to who reside in it. I know I'm sounding dumb but it was just natural to me back then. But of course when I compared the curriculum with the other majors offered at various local unis, GL had the flexibility and exposure that I wanted so I actually chose to enter NUS solely because of GL even though it was only in its 3rd year of enrollment.
In terms of job prospects, the first batch of GL students just graduated last year and I don't actually know any of them. But I would say Global Studies/ Global Affairs/ International Studies (some argue that they are not the same but come on, how many companies know that) are rather popular majors overseas. Not so much in Singapore. Nevertheless, I have heard of people becoming global/regional analysts at companies. And I would say at least 80% of GL students aim to work with international organisations like UN, Oxfam or international NPO/NGOs.
Having taken all level 1000-2000 mods myself, I would say the core modules provide just the tip of an iceberg (I don't think you can ever learn enough about the world; even at phd level they only focus on a specific area), and ultimately, what you get out of GL is also largely defined by your theme/ region. Don't expect to be able to say you're a master on worldview after undergrad.
Interested to find out what you ended up selecting as major actually!"
My first Q&A??? [NUS/ Global Studies]
HELLO! My blog is a hermit crab who has found a new home: https://enaeki.wordpress.com/
Of course, it's about Global Studies. GL is the only reason why anyone reads this blog. haha. notreallylaughing.
I hope 'Anonymous' doesn't mind me making this a post. Of course, I am just saying this out of courtesy; this is my blog, after all ;)
Said comment by "Anonymous"
"hi there!! I somehow stumbled upon your blog while researching about global studies modules hehe and I absolutely love reading your posts. you even inspired me to find out more about wwoof and WOW I'm sold. I'm just another jc graduate who has gotten her a level results and lost about what in major in uni, and researching about the modules these few weeks has made me interested in global studies. I would like to ask if there a high chance of going on exchange/internship or is the competition very high among GL Majors? I really want to experience studying overseas (i have a dream of travelling the world one day but i guess some dreams are too hard to fulfil and I'll be contented with visiting those i love!) but since my grades can get me into local unis my parents aren't approving overseas uni. Hence, I hope to be able to go overseas for at least a sem. Hope that you can give me more insight about this since I could'nt really find out more about it at the open house :/ Oh and another question! This question isn't rlly about GL but do u happen to live in a hall and is the experience worth having? Thanks so much for taking your time to read this :)"
My reply (Warning: so bloody long that I shocked myself)
"Hi Anonymous, it's an honour to have you read my blog:)
What a sweet comment you gave!
When applying for internships, you are competing with at least, the whole FASS as Arts/Social Sciences-inclined internships do not usually specifically ask for GL majors, but rather, FASS students general. Though I would say that being a GL major is a good starter 'cos many employers will be curious about what we actually study about haha. As for exchange, I believe the same applies. Competing within FASS rather than within GL. As for high/low competition, it often depends on where you want to go. Asian countries apart from Korea and Japan are usually not so popular and hence easier to clinch since you're competing with less people. For Japan, Korea, UK, US and some European unis, competition can be tough! CAP will prove to be important.
As you might have read, I went on an internship to Japan after Year 1. I want to highlight that this is not common, but very achievable if you want it to. And my saviour is the NUS International Relations Office(IRO). NUS has a good system when it comes to overseas opportunities. The people at NUS IRO are awesome but unfortunately not appreciated and exploited enough by students!!! Super surprised that around 70% of my friends (not that I have many) do not know about IRO?! Highly recommended for you to check out the NUS IRO website! (In fact, I visit their "Global Opportunities" section at least once every 2 weeks 'cos it's constantly updated and I'm kiasu) Other than overseas exchange or internship, you may also consider NOC which involves being 0.5-1 year overseas.
And I totally get you about the overseas uni part. I took IB so I would say it was really easy for me to get into overseas uni. But not good enough to get a scholarship. As I mentioned before, my dad is a taxi driver, he doesn't have extra like $50k per year to send me overseas. Yes, so I am in local uni. But I do not regret it because I don't think it has deprived me of chances to travel/study/intern overseas. We can choose to make the best out of what we have!
Lastly, I do not live in hall unfortunately. I did get into Eusoff but had to reject them as I didn't get my parents' consent + it was an additional financial burden anyway. I think hall life is great for making friends (something that really requires extra effort in FASS and especially GL 'cos we're always "department-hopping"). Halls usually have activities like hall supper and music nights, etc or even OCIP trips it can be loads of fun. You're also forced to take care of yourself I guess, though I do know people who bring home their laundry every weekend haha. Cons would be overload of CCAs if you wish to stay more than 1 sem, not sleeping early unless you wanna be a phantom, people wanting to come into your room even if you might not want them to. Note that these are just some of the stuff I heard from my friends who stay in hall."
I must be crazy spending 20 minutes replying to this when I have 3 assignments due but this was a good break! Thank you, "Anonymous"! :) Hope this helped you and feel free to pose any further questions (this goes for the rest who are reading too////
P.S. Isn't this blog way cooler and more helpful than open house booths? Okay no need to comment on this just let me be.
P.P.S. NUS IRO and WWOOF should make me their ambassadors.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Back to Pescetarian
I have something to confess. I've been back to eating meat since September when I was in Japan. I gave myself the sorry excuse to eat meat just 'cos, you know, being in Japan and having the chance to try out all their delicious food was just so once-in-a-lifetime for me.
But, that was just the start. When I came back to Singapore in December, I was already accustomed to a diet with meat. What I experienced was a sort of disassociation with what made me decide to be pescetarian in the first place.
And today, thanks to a youtube video, I am reminded of why I chose to be pescetarian. I don't deserve to eat meat because I will never have the guts to kill an animal so much like me. I just can't.
Call me hypocrite for thinking that fishes or other seafood as less "precious" but it's just different. I have no problem killing a fish, or a crab but not a pig.
So, today marks my last day eating all red meat and chicken.
P.S. Arts Canteen aka "The Deck" has an Indian stall that I patronise almost every school day for vegetarian food. Their pumpkin side dish is damn bloody good.
But, that was just the start. When I came back to Singapore in December, I was already accustomed to a diet with meat. What I experienced was a sort of disassociation with what made me decide to be pescetarian in the first place.
And today, thanks to a youtube video, I am reminded of why I chose to be pescetarian. I don't deserve to eat meat because I will never have the guts to kill an animal so much like me. I just can't.
Call me hypocrite for thinking that fishes or other seafood as less "precious" but it's just different. I have no problem killing a fish, or a crab but not a pig.
So, today marks my last day eating all red meat and chicken.
P.S. Arts Canteen aka "The Deck" has an Indian stall that I patronise almost every school day for vegetarian food. Their pumpkin side dish is damn bloody good.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
New travel blog
Due to the humongous amount of content that I wanna write about my Japan and Taiwan trips, I've decided to create a travel blog:
This blog shall continue to serve for my purge of darker inner thoughts haha.
This blog shall continue to serve for my purge of darker inner thoughts haha.
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Quote of the week
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." --- Friedrich Nietzsche
Which sums up what I feel about the words "right", "wrong" and "truth". Those who took IB before would know that in TOK terms, truth = justified belief. And I don't believe we can objectively justify something (in the purest sense of justify).
Which sums up what I feel about the words "right", "wrong" and "truth". Those who took IB before would know that in TOK terms, truth = justified belief. And I don't believe we can objectively justify something (in the purest sense of justify).
Thursday, 28 January 2016
My 5-minute thought on corruption
Read a few articles concerning corruption and poverty today.
There's this one main argument that keeps popping out: Politicians are corrupted because it's possible for them to do so, easier in some countries than others.
Just wanna say that corruption is not limited to politicians.
Anyway, yes, I can't deny that having more leniency toward corruption increases the likelihood of having corruption.
But the fact that they could doesn't mean that they would or that they ought to do so.
I refuse to believe that there are people out there who can get a good night's sleep knowing that what they're doing has a direct/indirect link to people dying from poverty.
No matter if they are forced to be corrupt (i.e. so poor themselves that they don't even have room to care for others) or engaging in corruption out of the sheer greed for more wealth (e.g. rich politicians who can't seem to stash away enough money),
I want to believe they have a moral conscience. The very minimal moral conscience of feeling guilty because they know what they are doing is akin to murder, some more directly than others.
What about me and you, then? Is not saving akin to deliberate killing as well?
There's this one main argument that keeps popping out: Politicians are corrupted because it's possible for them to do so, easier in some countries than others.
Just wanna say that corruption is not limited to politicians.
Anyway, yes, I can't deny that having more leniency toward corruption increases the likelihood of having corruption.
But the fact that they could doesn't mean that they would or that they ought to do so.
I refuse to believe that there are people out there who can get a good night's sleep knowing that what they're doing has a direct/indirect link to people dying from poverty.
No matter if they are forced to be corrupt (i.e. so poor themselves that they don't even have room to care for others) or engaging in corruption out of the sheer greed for more wealth (e.g. rich politicians who can't seem to stash away enough money),
I want to believe they have a moral conscience. The very minimal moral conscience of feeling guilty because they know what they are doing is akin to murder, some more directly than others.
What about me and you, then? Is not saving akin to deliberate killing as well?
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
An Automatic Digression (incomplete)
Jumping off the platform
Landing onto the stone-filled tracks; automatic
Freeing and binding himself to a fate he creates; automatic
Train stops and the train operator blinked; automatic
Announcing a service fault; automatic
His voice rang and touched the cold metal walls of the halted train
Blared across the platforms of the station which name I cannot
Doors slid open; automatic
Women in heels, men with ties,
children carrying similar school bags with their innocent, wide eyes
Exited and formed a seamlessly long line; automatic
Staff at the counter ready to mark tickets
Passengers got their money back without a hitch; automatic
I felt sick in my stomach; automatic
I felt like vomiting; automatic
I wanted to sit down and stop walking; automatic
I didn't know where I was in this foreign country
But I didn't want to go back to the train station
I wonder how much blood has been shed
Since the very first man landed on the railway tracks
Was it automatic?
Random thought 1
Wrote this on a piece of NUS foolscap paper when I was too bored from sitting in front of my laptop in a humid office in Kojimachi:
I looked to my right and all I see were grey carpeted floors, grey rectangular lockers with the names of every employee in Japanese. I heard the staccato of keyboards; staff members of this company typing away their youth. I might be using the word 'I' a little bit too much in this country that supposedly puts others before the low life of oneself.
People jumping in front of charging trains, innocent lives locked in sarin-filled trains --- I want to get these images out of my head and focus on the perfect front that this country tries so hard to put up. For the selfish sake of my humanity, please leave... The forgotten people of society, left underground, far from the knowledge of everyone pacing above the ground, how are you doing? Did I catch the train too late?
Friday, 25 December 2015
My First WWOOFing Experience (Nagano, Japan)
HEY, I'VE MOVED OVER TO: https://enaeki.wordpress.com/ --- see you there ;)
My very first WWOOFing experience was freaking awesome. And since it's so freaking awesome and this is one of my longer posts, I will, for the first time on this blog, put in sub-headings.
What's WWOOF?
For those who don't know about WWOOF, it is basically a work-travel program where you work on organic farms (most of the time) in exchange for food and accommodation. Transport costs not included. For me, I heard of WWOOF a few years back and always wanted to do it in Southeast Asia. However, as you might have read in my previous posts, I was scheduled to be in Tokyo, Japan for an internship. That's why I decided to add WWOOFing in Japan into my travel plans. I also wanted somewhere nearer to Tokyo as I didn't have much money to spare to spend on transport. #poorcollegestudent
I spent 15 days (so not enough) in Nagano, Japan with probably the best WWOOFing host ever. They are a young family of five and have been hosting WWOOFers for more than 10 years I believe. Anyone who's on the WWOOF Japan website would have probably came across their profile at least once and be very impressed; they have nothing but good reviews from other WWOOFers. In fact, they are so popular that they are actually too full to host me next May lol.
Near my WWOOF accommodation, there was an onsen (hot spring) and I would go there after a long work day sometimes. I remember being so nervous the first time HAHAHA cos I have never been naked in front of so many people. But that nervousness disappeared after 10 minutes cos I realised everyone was naked, she has what you have, and everybody's just minding their own business lol.
My farm was also like 2 hours away from Kamikouchi, a famous hiking area in Nagano. IT'S SUPER PRETTY. Will definitely go there again if I get to WWOOF at the same place.
The Actual WWOOFing
Now I'll just briefly talk about the tasks that I had to do while I was WWOOFing. Do note that the tasks assigned varies with each host and the season when you visit. I visited my WWOOF host family in the second half of September, which means it was fall in Japan. I clearly knew what were some of the tasks available for me to do as my WWOOF host clearly listed them according to seasons on their profile. But not all WWOOF hosts do this, so it might be good to clarify such details with them if you're not a fan of surprises. Anyway, here's a list of what I did:
- Weeding,
- Harvesting apples, pears, tomatoes and chestnuts,
- Packing rice husks into bags,
- Packing fruits into boxes,
- Cleaning carrot field,
- Cleaning work-shed
More tasks that some male WWOOFers were assigned to:
- Fixing the chicken house roof,
- Chopping up firewood
For my WWOOF host, they also had a house rule where everyone has to help with housekeeping every morning after breakfast. They also have a fixed rule on working hours - 6 hours every day except for Sunday (day off). In times of bad weather, the host may suggest to take a day off and split the six hours and be added to your other working days.
On a typical day, we would work for 2 hours, take a 20-minute break, work another 2 hours and have lunch at 12. Lunch break usually lasts for about 1h - 1.5h and sometimes I get to sneak in a short nap haha. After lunch break, we'd work for 2 hours more and so work ends at 3 - 3.30pm everyday. After that, it's totally free-and-easy. Work can be quite tiring, especially for weeding (painful thorns alert) and tomatoes and chestnuts-picking (which involves a lot of bending down) but very calming. My mind has never felt so clear and liberated. There's literally nothing to worry about in that foreign land. There's also something infinitely calming about concentrating on a laborious task. Nothing was bogging me down.
I would want to highlight, though, that each WWOOF host is unique. Some may give you lighter workloads and some more. It also depends on your tolerance for laborious work, of course. WWOOF websites usually have a feedback system where WWOOFers share their experiences with the various hosts, so do look out for those to have a better idea of what's install for you!
Why WWOOF? (Me trying my best not to sound like I work for them lol)
I later found out this was also why one WWOOFer has been WWOOFing for 6 months and another has done it for the tenth time. Warning: For those who are used to big cities and fake concrete building filled with money-seeking enthusiasts, you can get quite detached from the "real life" that you're used to. While farming, I was also able to pick up Japanese really quickly. 80% of the Japanese that I know now was picked up in the two weeks I spent WWOOFing. So my conclusion is that WWOOFing (speaking only for WWOOF-farming), can be a healthy activity for your mentality.
WWOOFing is also a great way to meet new people of like interests. My WWOOF host family is such an amazing group of people and their kids are so bright and independent. Their awesomeness also seems to attract more awesome people to their farms. Their permanent staff members are such wonderful people. They couldn't speak much English but are always eager to learn. The other WWOOFers that I met there are also such wonderful human beings that are so opened about sharing their experiences. In fact, every single person that I've met in Nagano was nothing but nice to me. Even when I was in the other parts of Nagano, I interacted with so many lovely people that I can't thank enough. A simple ask of direction can turn into an interesting conversation, a stroll down a small street can turn into a random home visit. A miss of the train (that comes every 2 hours) can lead to a virgin hitchhike experience.
#WWOOFing Tips
* Learn the basics of the dominant language. This is something that I feel that anyone should at least do when you decide to WWOOF somewhere where English isn't the first language. Actually this should be the least you can do when traveling anywhere where English isn't the first language. Trust me, it will be very, very helpful and it's always nice to learn a new language!
* Pack light. My luggage was 24kg but not by choice since I had 2 months of internship waiting for me right after WWOOFing. If I had the choice, I would have just packed a 50+L backpack or a 10 kg luggage. It was hard trying to carry my luggage up the 2nd storey of the WWOOFers house. Also, to me, WWOOFing is a lot about enjoying the simple life and living with just the basics so packing "just enough" will definitely add up to the entire experience!
* Bring something nice from your country. Preferably something useful like stationery-souvenirs or food! My host family loved the kaya that I bought for them!
* Buy your necessities only after touchdown. Especially if you're going Japan because their 100-yen stores will save.your.ass. I promise.
*Weather check! I cannot stress this enough. IMO your level of preparedness of the weather can make or break your WWOOFing experience. In my case, I consulted my host about the weather. Locals know better than whatever you found on Google.
I could share each and every single interaction I had and it would probably take another 3 hours to read haha but each travel experience is unique and it is something that you have to put in effort to pursuit. The conclusion I've reached from my first WWOOFing experience is that I definitely do not want to stop WWOOFing. I want to make this a yearly affair if my finances allow me to. I'm actually planning to WWOOF in Vietnam next year since Vietnamese is kinda like my minor in college. Somewhere in the south. And I definitely do not want to stop traveling. In my opinion, traveling can be one of the best investments that one can make. There are at least 7 billion more of us living on this big, beautiful Earth. Who knows? Maybe we'll see each other at some unexpected place on Earth (perhaps not necessarily in the future) one day.
My very first WWOOFing experience was freaking awesome. And since it's so freaking awesome and this is one of my longer posts, I will, for the first time on this blog, put in sub-headings.
What's WWOOF?
For those who don't know about WWOOF, it is basically a work-travel program where you work on organic farms (most of the time) in exchange for food and accommodation. Transport costs not included. For me, I heard of WWOOF a few years back and always wanted to do it in Southeast Asia. However, as you might have read in my previous posts, I was scheduled to be in Tokyo, Japan for an internship. That's why I decided to add WWOOFing in Japan into my travel plans. I also wanted somewhere nearer to Tokyo as I didn't have much money to spare to spend on transport. #poorcollegestudent
I spent 15 days (so not enough) in Nagano, Japan with probably the best WWOOFing host ever. They are a young family of five and have been hosting WWOOFers for more than 10 years I believe. Anyone who's on the WWOOF Japan website would have probably came across their profile at least once and be very impressed; they have nothing but good reviews from other WWOOFers. In fact, they are so popular that they are actually too full to host me next May lol.
Near my WWOOF accommodation, there was an onsen (hot spring) and I would go there after a long work day sometimes. I remember being so nervous the first time HAHAHA cos I have never been naked in front of so many people. But that nervousness disappeared after 10 minutes cos I realised everyone was naked, she has what you have, and everybody's just minding their own business lol.
My farm was also like 2 hours away from Kamikouchi, a famous hiking area in Nagano. IT'S SUPER PRETTY. Will definitely go there again if I get to WWOOF at the same place.
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At the very very beautiful Kamikouchi |
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Eating vending machine food after a good hour of onsen |
The Actual WWOOFing
Now I'll just briefly talk about the tasks that I had to do while I was WWOOFing. Do note that the tasks assigned varies with each host and the season when you visit. I visited my WWOOF host family in the second half of September, which means it was fall in Japan. I clearly knew what were some of the tasks available for me to do as my WWOOF host clearly listed them according to seasons on their profile. But not all WWOOF hosts do this, so it might be good to clarify such details with them if you're not a fan of surprises. Anyway, here's a list of what I did:
- Weeding,
- Harvesting apples, pears, tomatoes and chestnuts,
- Packing rice husks into bags,
- Packing fruits into boxes,
- Cleaning carrot field,
- Cleaning work-shed
More tasks that some male WWOOFers were assigned to:
- Fixing the chicken house roof,
- Chopping up firewood
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With my fellow WWOOFers at the pear fields |
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Taking a short break from apple-harvesting |
On a typical day, we would work for 2 hours, take a 20-minute break, work another 2 hours and have lunch at 12. Lunch break usually lasts for about 1h - 1.5h and sometimes I get to sneak in a short nap haha. After lunch break, we'd work for 2 hours more and so work ends at 3 - 3.30pm everyday. After that, it's totally free-and-easy. Work can be quite tiring, especially for weeding (painful thorns alert) and tomatoes and chestnuts-picking (which involves a lot of bending down) but very calming. My mind has never felt so clear and liberated. There's literally nothing to worry about in that foreign land. There's also something infinitely calming about concentrating on a laborious task. Nothing was bogging me down.
I would want to highlight, though, that each WWOOF host is unique. Some may give you lighter workloads and some more. It also depends on your tolerance for laborious work, of course. WWOOF websites usually have a feedback system where WWOOFers share their experiences with the various hosts, so do look out for those to have a better idea of what's install for you!
Why WWOOF? (Me trying my best not to sound like I work for them lol)
I later found out this was also why one WWOOFer has been WWOOFing for 6 months and another has done it for the tenth time. Warning: For those who are used to big cities and fake concrete building filled with money-seeking enthusiasts, you can get quite detached from the "real life" that you're used to. While farming, I was also able to pick up Japanese really quickly. 80% of the Japanese that I know now was picked up in the two weeks I spent WWOOFing. So my conclusion is that WWOOFing (speaking only for WWOOF-farming), can be a healthy activity for your mentality.
WWOOFing is also a great way to meet new people of like interests. My WWOOF host family is such an amazing group of people and their kids are so bright and independent. Their awesomeness also seems to attract more awesome people to their farms. Their permanent staff members are such wonderful people. They couldn't speak much English but are always eager to learn. The other WWOOFers that I met there are also such wonderful human beings that are so opened about sharing their experiences. In fact, every single person that I've met in Nagano was nothing but nice to me. Even when I was in the other parts of Nagano, I interacted with so many lovely people that I can't thank enough. A simple ask of direction can turn into an interesting conversation, a stroll down a small street can turn into a random home visit. A miss of the train (that comes every 2 hours) can lead to a virgin hitchhike experience.
#WWOOFing Tips
* Learn the basics of the dominant language. This is something that I feel that anyone should at least do when you decide to WWOOF somewhere where English isn't the first language. Actually this should be the least you can do when traveling anywhere where English isn't the first language. Trust me, it will be very, very helpful and it's always nice to learn a new language!
* Pack light. My luggage was 24kg but not by choice since I had 2 months of internship waiting for me right after WWOOFing. If I had the choice, I would have just packed a 50+L backpack or a 10 kg luggage. It was hard trying to carry my luggage up the 2nd storey of the WWOOFers house. Also, to me, WWOOFing is a lot about enjoying the simple life and living with just the basics so packing "just enough" will definitely add up to the entire experience!
* Bring something nice from your country. Preferably something useful like stationery-souvenirs or food! My host family loved the kaya that I bought for them!
* Buy your necessities only after touchdown. Especially if you're going Japan because their 100-yen stores will save.your.ass. I promise.
*Weather check! I cannot stress this enough. IMO your level of preparedness of the weather can make or break your WWOOFing experience. In my case, I consulted my host about the weather. Locals know better than whatever you found on Google.
I could share each and every single interaction I had and it would probably take another 3 hours to read haha but each travel experience is unique and it is something that you have to put in effort to pursuit. The conclusion I've reached from my first WWOOFing experience is that I definitely do not want to stop WWOOFing. I want to make this a yearly affair if my finances allow me to. I'm actually planning to WWOOF in Vietnam next year since Vietnamese is kinda like my minor in college. Somewhere in the south. And I definitely do not want to stop traveling. In my opinion, traveling can be one of the best investments that one can make. There are at least 7 billion more of us living on this big, beautiful Earth. Who knows? Maybe we'll see each other at some unexpected place on Earth (perhaps not necessarily in the future) one day.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
"First time"s list in Japan and Taiwan
In no particular order. Just ones that popped up my mind first.
WWOOFing. Picking apples from a tree that was a storey high. My legs shook at first but the sight of rows and rows of apple trees and their sweet natural scent wafting up higher than a storey high put me at peace.
Picking pears while singing.
Picking chestnuts full of spikes with my two favourite people at Ogurayama Farm: Towa-kun and Tama-chan. ありがとう,葉和君。You don't know how thankful I am for your kindness.
Received a present (black cat plushie) from a boy named Towa.
Towa is also my seven-year-old Japanese boyfriend who only acknowledges me at home and is two-timing me with this other seven-year-old girl at his school.
Accepted a ride to Shinano-Omachi train station from a guy I met at the Shinano-Kizaki post office. Our conversation was fueled by his broken English, my broken Japanese and Google translate and it was one of the most interesting conversations I've had in a while.
Shared a room with 3 other people who didn't speak much English. One time we were having so much fun using drawings and google translate!
Went to onsen (hot spring) that was on a hill and then coming back down to the foot of hill through a series of slides. #ONSENisLOVE
Ate 蝉(cicada) molted skin that was hanging off a leaf on the apple tree.
Peed in a bush after harvesting apples for 2 hours. Heh.
Washed my clothes on my own (I'm so going to get judged by this).
Taught Singlish to non-Singaporeans and it was so damn difficult to teach. Made me realise how precious and interesting Singlish is too.
Going to a beach alone. In the fall. Experiencing fall. And experiencing the peaceful quietness of the beach when you're not there with anyone else but yourself.
Went clubbing and danced in a circle with good friends and friendly strangers.
Lying on a bed, making small talk with a guy whom I've first met earlier that morning, with our mouths stinking with alcohol. His eyes were twinkling prettily in the dark room. I wasn't feeling butterflies in my stomach. We know we have nothing for each other 'cos four hours ago he was flirting with foreign girls in the club and I was vomiting in the toilet just 50 metres away. Just happy with the fact that I've made another friend and that happy things can be so simple.
Attending a Halloween party and then realising in shame that we were the only ones who didn't dress up. Formed our circle and started dancing when no one else was. Pulled strangers in Halloween costumes into the circle, cheered, laughed and danced like we never had.
Attending a Halloween party that was boring at first but became fun after getting high from strong zeros lined up in their tiny silver columns of a fridge in a nearby 7-11.
Got high from alcohol for the first time. 142 yen x 2 and I'm good to go.
Got my hair stroked as I fell asleep by a guy who I might not see ever again. A guy whom I now know I was only physically attracted to because my heart aches less now. And egoistically sad because I'm sure it was the same for him.
Ate somen out of a pot because it was that good.
Ate sushi that was made and served traditionally right in front of me. Ate them the traditional way: with my hands and sashimi on tongue bed instead of rice. Before I could react, they melted in my mouth and nourished my tongue. One of the best foodgasm I've had in my whole life.
Had meals on a long table every day with farmers and farming-lovers like myself. My inadequate writing abilities cannot convey the comfort and joy of a warm meal in the cold night of Nagano's late September after a long day of farming under the sun.
Couchsurfed with two really kind ladies and their cat who never let me touch it.
Got invited into a kind old lady's house. Thank goodness it didn't end up like Hansel & Gretel.
Received a souvenir from kind, amicable strangers when I was lost in Haruka.
Ate ikura and rice for breakfast in a cosy dining room of a tiny two-storey house in Yokohama after a short-trip at beautiful Enoshima on the previous day.
Saw Mount Fuji and the sun that rises and sets beside it every day. It's the same sun we have here but why do I miss it so much?
Pretended I was drunk and kicked the guy I was physically attracted to off my bed. Until now I'm not sure if I regret doing that. Okay nope, I don't regret it.
Got confused by physical attraction and liking someone. I was so close to kissing him then but now he disgusts me a little.
Went on a road trip with some of the kindest and most generous people I've met in my life. Fucking thankful for humanity.
Met a good-looking person of the opposite gender and my heart didn't pound when I was talking to him.
Never thought I'd do this because I used to laugh at people who did this is secondary school. I bloody created a non-official family tree. With angmohs (non-Asians). Gosh. As of now I have 2 mothers (1 bisexual female British and 1 straight male British), 1 2-foot tall Nigerian father, 1 Italian older brother, 2 older sisters (1 French-Muslim and 1 Romanian), 1 Belgium-Italian younger brother and 1 Taiwanese life-senpai who cannot fucking stop referring to himself in 3rd person. Still, I love them all.
I also now have a Tokyo mum and two Yokohama aunts.
Went to a cat cafe. Thrice. Went to a rabbit cafe, once.
Vomited from drinking alcohol for the first time.
Witnessing a doctor-heli rescue. (Always thought it was just a drama!!!)
Picked up a language (well, kind of) in a short span of 2 weeks. Farming environment is best learning environment.
Sat on the back of a lorry full of rice sacks and feeling the wind run over my face and through my hair. Laughing 'cos I couldn't feel my face.
Cycling on the roads of Shinbashi to catch the sunset at Rainbow Bridge and failing to do so but was still happy as fuck 'cos I CAN CYCLE NOW.
Being in an environment/setting where I was the only Singaporean.
Sending postcards from a foreign country.
Walked half an hour just to get to a secondhand shop. But shit, secondhand shops in Japan are so damn awesome.
Boarded and alighted planes alone. Even made some friends with my flight neighbours.
Asked a stranger to do me a favour by claiming one of my carry-on baggages as hers 'cos I bought too much souvenirs.
Argued with a flight attendant about how it doesn't make sense that I cannot bring an airport-provided shopping bag up an airplane.
Waited 20 minutes for a densha (like MRT train) to arrive.
Feeling thankful for the public transport service we have in Singapore for the two months I was in Japan and then feeling envious about Taipei's cheap and efficient MRT.
Fed and touched sheeps. Which felt like walking carpets.
Ate goat milk ice-cream which should not be for sale.
Slept in a double bed with 3 other people, all but one of us smelling like alcohol and expired milk.
Took the first train home after dancing non-stop till 4am at a club and then sleeping on the bed of my roommate who left our room.
Being away from my family for more than 16 days.
Letting the prettiest and most well-groomed guy I've ever met trim my eyebrows and a beauty college student cut my fringe.
Crying on a train platform in front of my one and only eonni because I really didn't want to leave Japan and all the friends I have there.
Exchanged contacts with strangers at a club.
Received a letter from a senpai who was on the very same airplane and left his letter in the plane magazine at my seat. Felt like I was in a drama hahaha.
I think there are many more that I left out. Will keep updating this when the wandering memories pay a visit back to the main frame.
But most importantly, for the first time, I traveled alone. Became friendlier and more opened than I've ever been. Did things that I never would have done in Singapore nor if I were with my friend(s). Had a hell of a good time.
WWOOFing. Picking apples from a tree that was a storey high. My legs shook at first but the sight of rows and rows of apple trees and their sweet natural scent wafting up higher than a storey high put me at peace.
Picking pears while singing.
Picking chestnuts full of spikes with my two favourite people at Ogurayama Farm: Towa-kun and Tama-chan. ありがとう,葉和君。You don't know how thankful I am for your kindness.
Received a present (black cat plushie) from a boy named Towa.
Towa is also my seven-year-old Japanese boyfriend who only acknowledges me at home and is two-timing me with this other seven-year-old girl at his school.
Accepted a ride to Shinano-Omachi train station from a guy I met at the Shinano-Kizaki post office. Our conversation was fueled by his broken English, my broken Japanese and Google translate and it was one of the most interesting conversations I've had in a while.
Shared a room with 3 other people who didn't speak much English. One time we were having so much fun using drawings and google translate!
Went to onsen (hot spring) that was on a hill and then coming back down to the foot of hill through a series of slides. #ONSENisLOVE
Ate 蝉(cicada) molted skin that was hanging off a leaf on the apple tree.
Peed in a bush after harvesting apples for 2 hours. Heh.
Washed my clothes on my own (I'm so going to get judged by this).
Taught Singlish to non-Singaporeans and it was so damn difficult to teach. Made me realise how precious and interesting Singlish is too.
Going to a beach alone. In the fall. Experiencing fall. And experiencing the peaceful quietness of the beach when you're not there with anyone else but yourself.
Went clubbing and danced in a circle with good friends and friendly strangers.
Lying on a bed, making small talk with a guy whom I've first met earlier that morning, with our mouths stinking with alcohol. His eyes were twinkling prettily in the dark room. I wasn't feeling butterflies in my stomach. We know we have nothing for each other 'cos four hours ago he was flirting with foreign girls in the club and I was vomiting in the toilet just 50 metres away. Just happy with the fact that I've made another friend and that happy things can be so simple.
Attending a Halloween party and then realising in shame that we were the only ones who didn't dress up. Formed our circle and started dancing when no one else was. Pulled strangers in Halloween costumes into the circle, cheered, laughed and danced like we never had.
Attending a Halloween party that was boring at first but became fun after getting high from strong zeros lined up in their tiny silver columns of a fridge in a nearby 7-11.
Got high from alcohol for the first time. 142 yen x 2 and I'm good to go.
Got my hair stroked as I fell asleep by a guy who I might not see ever again. A guy whom I now know I was only physically attracted to because my heart aches less now. And egoistically sad because I'm sure it was the same for him.
Ate somen out of a pot because it was that good.
Ate sushi that was made and served traditionally right in front of me. Ate them the traditional way: with my hands and sashimi on tongue bed instead of rice. Before I could react, they melted in my mouth and nourished my tongue. One of the best foodgasm I've had in my whole life.
Had meals on a long table every day with farmers and farming-lovers like myself. My inadequate writing abilities cannot convey the comfort and joy of a warm meal in the cold night of Nagano's late September after a long day of farming under the sun.
Couchsurfed with two really kind ladies and their cat who never let me touch it.
Got invited into a kind old lady's house. Thank goodness it didn't end up like Hansel & Gretel.
Received a souvenir from kind, amicable strangers when I was lost in Haruka.
Ate ikura and rice for breakfast in a cosy dining room of a tiny two-storey house in Yokohama after a short-trip at beautiful Enoshima on the previous day.
Saw Mount Fuji and the sun that rises and sets beside it every day. It's the same sun we have here but why do I miss it so much?
Pretended I was drunk and kicked the guy I was physically attracted to off my bed. Until now I'm not sure if I regret doing that. Okay nope, I don't regret it.
Got confused by physical attraction and liking someone. I was so close to kissing him then but now he disgusts me a little.
Went on a road trip with some of the kindest and most generous people I've met in my life. Fucking thankful for humanity.
Met a good-looking person of the opposite gender and my heart didn't pound when I was talking to him.
Never thought I'd do this because I used to laugh at people who did this is secondary school. I bloody created a non-official family tree. With angmohs (non-Asians). Gosh. As of now I have 2 mothers (1 bisexual female British and 1 straight male British), 1 2-foot tall Nigerian father, 1 Italian older brother, 2 older sisters (1 French-Muslim and 1 Romanian), 1 Belgium-Italian younger brother and 1 Taiwanese life-senpai who cannot fucking stop referring to himself in 3rd person. Still, I love them all.
I also now have a Tokyo mum and two Yokohama aunts.
Went to a cat cafe. Thrice. Went to a rabbit cafe, once.
Vomited from drinking alcohol for the first time.
Witnessing a doctor-heli rescue. (Always thought it was just a drama!!!)
Picked up a language (well, kind of) in a short span of 2 weeks. Farming environment is best learning environment.
Sat on the back of a lorry full of rice sacks and feeling the wind run over my face and through my hair. Laughing 'cos I couldn't feel my face.
Cycling on the roads of Shinbashi to catch the sunset at Rainbow Bridge and failing to do so but was still happy as fuck 'cos I CAN CYCLE NOW.
Being in an environment/setting where I was the only Singaporean.
Sending postcards from a foreign country.
Walked half an hour just to get to a secondhand shop. But shit, secondhand shops in Japan are so damn awesome.
Boarded and alighted planes alone. Even made some friends with my flight neighbours.
Asked a stranger to do me a favour by claiming one of my carry-on baggages as hers 'cos I bought too much souvenirs.
Argued with a flight attendant about how it doesn't make sense that I cannot bring an airport-provided shopping bag up an airplane.
Waited 20 minutes for a densha (like MRT train) to arrive.
Feeling thankful for the public transport service we have in Singapore for the two months I was in Japan and then feeling envious about Taipei's cheap and efficient MRT.
Fed and touched sheeps. Which felt like walking carpets.
Ate goat milk ice-cream which should not be for sale.
Slept in a double bed with 3 other people, all but one of us smelling like alcohol and expired milk.
Took the first train home after dancing non-stop till 4am at a club and then sleeping on the bed of my roommate who left our room.
Being away from my family for more than 16 days.
Letting the prettiest and most well-groomed guy I've ever met trim my eyebrows and a beauty college student cut my fringe.
Crying on a train platform in front of my one and only eonni because I really didn't want to leave Japan and all the friends I have there.
Exchanged contacts with strangers at a club.
Received a letter from a senpai who was on the very same airplane and left his letter in the plane magazine at my seat. Felt like I was in a drama hahaha.
I think there are many more that I left out. Will keep updating this when the wandering memories pay a visit back to the main frame.
But most importantly, for the first time, I traveled alone. Became friendlier and more opened than I've ever been. Did things that I never would have done in Singapore nor if I were with my friend(s). Had a hell of a good time.
Back to Red and White
This thought just came across my mind upon logging into blogger: I'm never going to succeed in life because I'm not even disciplined enough to get a blog going. Jokes.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Singapore >>> Japan >>> Taiwan >>> Singapore
Alright. It's been way too long since I've last blogged. Have been pretty busy. And now this blog will turn into a travel log for my ambitious (by my standards) budget Japan-Taiwan trip.
And now this is a travel log! This first post will be about flight-booking.
First of all, I am definitely not an expert because I have already made a newbie mistake. Not knowing when are the "in-season" for booking flights. I booked my flight from Singapore to Narita, Tokyo during the June period when Scoot announced their birthday promotions. My thought was: Their birthday offers will probably be their best. I mean, it's their birthday! What else would be more important than their own birthday?
I was obviously wrong. There is a more important birthday and it's called SG50. So due to my kanchiong-ness (translation: impatience?), I booked a flight that costs slightly more than SGD$200 to Narita (with 20kg baggage). Could have fallen under $200 and saved 20 to 30 bucks. But just my luck luh.
My second booking (made just 1h ago) is via Vanilla Air, which takes me from Narita to Taoyuan Airport. I paid SGD$140 for this flight (comes with 20kg + free cancellation), which is definitely the best deal I found so far. But after booking, I suddenly remembered that there will be a national holiday in Japan in Sept. Which may not equate to promotions, but still, SCREW MY KANCHIONG-NESS!
Have yet to book my Taoyuan back to Singapore flight. Shall try to be more patient this time.
Quick summary of Japan part of the trip
- WWOOFing in Azumino-city, Nagano (15 ~ 1 Oct)
- Homestay in East Tokyo (1 Oct ~ 4 Oct)
- Internship in Tokyo (4 Oct ~ 5 Dec)
- Couchsurfing in Chiba area (5 Dec ~ 8 Dec) [Tentative]
- 8 Dec: Taiwan-bound
To-do-list for Day 1
- Collect data SIM card. I have paid for the data SIM card online - via cdjapan, to be collected at Narita Airport. 9,000 yen for 90 days. With unlimited data usage. Not bad I must say. Hope it's reliable.
- Buy Limo Bus/ NE'X (Narita Express) ticket to Shinjuku, Tokyo
- Get Suica card (30,000 yen for a start?) --- something like our ez-link card
- Go 100-yen shop at Matsumoto Station to buy things like shampoo, poncho
On a side note, my friends keep telling me that 20kg and SGD$2500(how much I'm budgeting for the Japan part of the trip) is not enough for 3 months in Japan. I'll at most turn to buskering or withdrawing from the ATM.
And I'm trying to come up with an un-lame name for this trip. Don't really like calling it "the trip". Wouldn't be able to differentiate this from my future trips then.
And now this is a travel log! This first post will be about flight-booking.
First of all, I am definitely not an expert because I have already made a newbie mistake. Not knowing when are the "in-season" for booking flights. I booked my flight from Singapore to Narita, Tokyo during the June period when Scoot announced their birthday promotions. My thought was: Their birthday offers will probably be their best. I mean, it's their birthday! What else would be more important than their own birthday?
I was obviously wrong. There is a more important birthday and it's called SG50. So due to my kanchiong-ness (translation: impatience?), I booked a flight that costs slightly more than SGD$200 to Narita (with 20kg baggage). Could have fallen under $200 and saved 20 to 30 bucks. But just my luck luh.
My second booking (made just 1h ago) is via Vanilla Air, which takes me from Narita to Taoyuan Airport. I paid SGD$140 for this flight (comes with 20kg + free cancellation), which is definitely the best deal I found so far. But after booking, I suddenly remembered that there will be a national holiday in Japan in Sept. Which may not equate to promotions, but still, SCREW MY KANCHIONG-NESS!
Have yet to book my Taoyuan back to Singapore flight. Shall try to be more patient this time.
Quick summary of Japan part of the trip
- WWOOFing in Azumino-city, Nagano (15 ~ 1 Oct)
- Homestay in East Tokyo (1 Oct ~ 4 Oct)
- Internship in Tokyo (4 Oct ~ 5 Dec)
- Couchsurfing in Chiba area (5 Dec ~ 8 Dec) [Tentative]
- 8 Dec: Taiwan-bound
To-do-list for Day 1
- Collect data SIM card. I have paid for the data SIM card online - via cdjapan, to be collected at Narita Airport. 9,000 yen for 90 days. With unlimited data usage. Not bad I must say. Hope it's reliable.
- Buy Limo Bus/ NE'X (Narita Express) ticket to Shinjuku, Tokyo
- Get Suica card (30,000 yen for a start?) --- something like our ez-link card
- Go 100-yen shop at Matsumoto Station to buy things like shampoo, poncho
On a side note, my friends keep telling me that 20kg and SGD$2500(how much I'm budgeting for the Japan part of the trip) is not enough for 3 months in Japan. I'll at most turn to buskering or withdrawing from the ATM.
And I'm trying to come up with an un-lame name for this trip. Don't really like calling it "the trip". Wouldn't be able to differentiate this from my future trips then.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Mid-year updates and reflections
HELLO! My blog is a hermit crab who has found a new home: https://enaeki.wordpress.com/
I didn't do well for Y1S2. I'm disappointed in myself, and I probably deserve this. I definitely didn't study my best, and forgot my regrets and determination that I had in semester 1. There's no going back; I used up 2 S/Us and I'm only into Year 2. This may be for the better though; I'll probably be pushed into survival mode in Y2S1.
But, I will also not be starting Y2S1 together with my batch mates cos I'M GOING TO JAPAN FOR INTERNSHIP. AND IT'S WITH THE AWESOME ASHINAGA. An internship that I never dreamt of getting as a Year 1. But anything can happen! The whole process+outcome is just so unbelievable, yet I am also certain that it is because of my faith. Now I finally understand what my seniors in faith mean when they said, "You'll know it when you truly chanted and gained benefits."
I am excited+nervous+scared because I feel quite inferior about my academic abilities especially after Y1S2 results came out. Do I deserve such a privilege to intern at Ashinaga? I seriously doubt so... I'm going to be in the Fundraising Research Team, which honestly wasn't my first choice (Student Support Team was) because I didn't think that I was ready for another research internship - wasn't too proud of my achievements during my time in MSF.
But since I've been gifted of the position, I need to work super hard and even harder than super hard to repay my debt of gratitude!
Oh, and SEA Games ended so well despite the repetitive trainings. So proud of my fellow Cattleya Orchids - so much love for them <3<3<3
Poem of the month
Which will probably stay with me forever:
"Hardship becomes one’s strength.
Suffering becomes one’s wisdom.
Sorrow becomes kindness.
One who experienced the greatest suffering
Will enjoy the greatest happiness."
- Daisaku Ikeda
"Hardship becomes one’s strength.
Suffering becomes one’s wisdom.
Sorrow becomes kindness.
One who experienced the greatest suffering
Will enjoy the greatest happiness."
- Daisaku Ikeda
Monday, 27 April 2015
My B grade essay for GL2102 (Yes, I included the pictures in my essay)
Hey, I've moved over to https://enaeki.wordpress.com/ -- see you there ;)
The task was for us to come up with an original story about three people and their positions in the supply chain/ GPE. I'm sharing this simply because I am proud of my essay (except for the convo part... was aiming for something more realistic but was constrained by the word count) regardless of the lacklustre grade. Based on the feedback, I got a B mainly because I did not have any citations and that there are some parts where I could have summarised and developed my story further. Anyways, please enjoy:
Mr. Taxi Driver (Inspired by a true story)
Part 0: The Vehicle of …?
This is a story centred on this car below:
If you do not recognise this vehicle, you are probably not a Singaporean because this is plausibly the most common vehicle on the street (they usually vary in fashion but the LED crown on the roof is pretty standard). If you take this vehicle on a daily basis, you are probably richer than the average Singaporean, or simply have bad time management. This vehicle is one of my most necessary tools of survival right after air, water and food – which supplies may depend on this vehicle as well. I depend on this non-living metal produce like a baby depends on her mother’s milk. ‘Milk’ being the metaphor for money and everything else that comes with it, of course. My father has been a taxi driver for as long as I can remember and the one question that I ask him most often is: Why do you drive taxi? The answers that my dad gives comes in several variations like: “To earn money lor”, “To pay for your school fees”, “To put food on the table”, etc. But what my dad does not realise while answering this question is the true intended meaning behind my question. What I really wanted to know was WHY – Why, a taxi driver? His ‘answers’ can be achieved with other types of jobs too. So, why, a taxi driver?
Average, I realised, is a very scary state to be in. Because it is so average and normal, I wonder if I would be stuck in it without realising.
The task was for us to come up with an original story about three people and their positions in the supply chain/ GPE. I'm sharing this simply because I am proud of my essay (except for the convo part... was aiming for something more realistic but was constrained by the word count) regardless of the lacklustre grade. Based on the feedback, I got a B mainly because I did not have any citations and that there are some parts where I could have summarised and developed my story further. Anyways, please enjoy:
Mr. Taxi Driver (Inspired by a true story)
Part 0: The Vehicle of …?
This is a story centred on this car below:
![]() |
Figure 1: Taxi car. Credits to the author. |
If you do not recognise this vehicle, you are probably not a Singaporean because this is plausibly the most common vehicle on the street (they usually vary in fashion but the LED crown on the roof is pretty standard). If you take this vehicle on a daily basis, you are probably richer than the average Singaporean, or simply have bad time management. This vehicle is one of my most necessary tools of survival right after air, water and food – which supplies may depend on this vehicle as well. I depend on this non-living metal produce like a baby depends on her mother’s milk. ‘Milk’ being the metaphor for money and everything else that comes with it, of course. My father has been a taxi driver for as long as I can remember and the one question that I ask him most often is: Why do you drive taxi? The answers that my dad gives comes in several variations like: “To earn money lor”, “To pay for your school fees”, “To put food on the table”, etc. But what my dad does not realise while answering this question is the true intended meaning behind my question. What I really wanted to know was WHY – Why, a taxi driver? His ‘answers’ can be achieved with other types of jobs too. So, why, a taxi driver?
Biographical insert: My father was born into a family of
seven, him being the eldest son. His mother (my grandmother) worked as a
dishwasher while her husband (my grandfather) patronised illegal gambling dens
around the country. My father never found the need to study hard, nor did my
grandparents. I guess for my grandmother, she simply did not have the time and
energy to care. He dropped out of school at fifteen and signed on to 5 years of
national service. His career choices were limited, so he only tried out two
other sales-related jobs before settling down as a taxi driver, a husband, and
a father of three. We are not doing too badly; low-middle income, all kids in
school (one in, supposedly, the most prestigious university in Singapore), albeit
still trying to pay off a few bank loans. As you can tell, we are quite the
average family (though not quite the kind that the government would feature on
National Day).
My father always says that I need to study hard or I will end
up like him. He likes to tell his friends that he has a daughter in university
and that he can look forward to retirement. I think he places all his hopes on
my siblings and I because he knows that he is stuck with being a taxi driver. ‘Mr.
Taxi Driver’, that is his label in society. I understand that with my degree, I
am more likely to be better off in terms of material and probably, non-material
well-being (which is often made possible by money too). My father even tells me
that I can change the world if I want to, and that my background does not
matter, but what can a university degree guarantee? There are so many more
factors involved in the journey to world domination. Am I bound to become just
another worker (albeit paid higher) like my father? For whom am I working for?
Am I simply a product of the capitalist production chain that is fated to
become the factor of production for an even larger production chain?
![]() |
Figure 2: Human Capital Map. Credits to the author. |
PART 1: The Taxi, The
Driver and The Creator
One day over dinner, my dad shared with us that he drove his
first billionaire. As my father recalled, these two men in suits, one visibly
older than the other, entered his taxi and then just sat there, as if waiting
for something to happen. It was obvious that they have never taken a taxi
before because for the first time in a long time, my father had to ask, “Going
They sat in silence throughout the journey until the older
man asked if my father could turn up the air-conditioning (which was already at
its maximum). My father apologised, and then went on to explain, “Sorry, FomfortGelgro
taxis not very good these days.” The older man flared his nostrils (yes, so
much so that my father saw it happen through the rear-view mirror) and said,
“What are you taking about? This is FomfortGelgro, the best taxi company in
Singapore, if not, the world!”
My father then replied, “Sir, I think you really haven’t
taken taxi before. FomfortGelgro rental so high but taxis break down so easily!
Always have to waste my time to go repair!”
“How can you say that about my company?!” The older man
bellowed, “You should be thankful that we even offered you a job!” My father
cannot stand arrogant people and so, despite the fact that this man can (and
probably will) make him lose his only source of income, he continued the
argument and it went something like this:
Father: Just because you’re CEO doesn’t mean you can be so hao lian (arrogant) hor! Why do you think you are where you are right now, earning
millions and billions of dollars?
CEO: Because I am capable, I am the one who brought FomfortGelgro
to a position that no one can beat.
Father: Could you have done it without taxi drivers?
CEO: …No, of course I will need workers. But it is because of
the brand that I built that people would even be willing to tap on your labour.
Which person in the right mind would board on a brandless vehicle? There is no
assurance for them as to whether this particular service will be credible or
effective! My status packages your taxi service and my high social status is
passed on to the service that you provide. A service that people are willing to
pay $3.40 the very moment they engage with it.
Father: Yes, but who created this perception of credibility
and efficiency? We taxi drivers are your spokespersons! Without us, you and
your brand are nothing.
CEO: All I know is that I don’t need a spokesperson like you!
You are just another driver, there are hundreds of people who can take over
your position. Have fun living in the bottom of the food chain!
Strange enough, my father is still driving taxi hitherto.
Perhaps ‘The Creator’ left in such fury that he forgot to note down my father’s
licence plate.
PART 2: The Thermos
“Pa, this is your birthday present this year,” I said as I
passed him the $50 (god knows why*) Thermos Flask that I bought from the
department store. He asked me why I bought it for him, and I said it was
because he sits in his air-conditioned taxi all-day. He then said my gift was
redundant, because it would make him go to the toilet more often. Does he hate
going to the toilet? No. My father avoids drinking water because it makes him
go to the toilet which then leads to less chances for him to drive people
around and make money. I wish I was exaggerating, and it hurts that it is true,
but on a daily basis, my father drinks less than 500ml of water over a period
of 12 hours (usual shift). How can he work so hard, to an extent that threatens
his own well-being, and yet earn so little? It never made sense to me. Same
goes for blue-collared workers like construction workers and factory workers;
why are they all succumbed to such conditions? We are all human, but it is
perhaps inevitable that we carry different sets of skills, skills that are not
equally valued in the society. Because of this, we have to accept unequal
conditions. I am reminded of that dark-humour quote from Animal Farm: “All
animals are equal, but some are animals more equal than others.”
Before my father became a taxi driver, I used to complain
about how high taxi fares are, and that people who spend their money on taxis
are just spoilt rich people whom cannot think of better ways of spending their
money. But of course, now that my own father is a taxi driver, I know the
sacrifices taxi drivers have to make and I complain about how taxi fares are
not high enough given the profit margin. Yes, it is very ironic but it goes to
show how one’s perception of value can be biased and may be subjected to
In other words, an average consumer probably does not value
the taxi service as much as I do. Taxi fares are deemed ‘too high’ when the
average consumer finds that it is given more value than it should and if we
talk in terms of simple economic principles, the demand of taxi service would
drop with relatively higher taxi fares. Even if the taxi company does not start
retrenching, my father would probably still earn less money than before (given that
taxi services are not exactly necessities to the average consumer due to the
availability of public and private transport). Moreover, driving is just
driving; technically, anyone who has a driver’s licence can be a taxi driver.
My father’s labour is very replaceable and high in demand (i.e. labour can even
become its own determinant). What matters is the end product; as long as they
are able to reach their destinations, who would care about who is driving? Who
would request for taxi drivers who give better customer service when they are
rushing to get to work? And if the consumer does not care, the firm would not
need to care either since their perceived value is derived from that of the
consumer. There are, however, times when the consumers are constrained by the
producers (be it workers or firms), especially in cases where the consumers
place such high values on certain goods and services to an extent that is
disadvantageous to themselves. Every actor in the global political economy is
so intrinsically bound to one another that it is sometimes difficult to
identify who is being played and who the player is. I feel that the power of
the individual cannot be underestimated yet cannot be overestimated either. It
all ends when you overestimate the power of certain actors.
*I know I said 'god knows why' but it's really just for comic effect. Me no Christian or Methodist or whatever subsidiaries they have.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Response to a typical day on the MRT
I get this weird satisfaction when I am at the top of an escalator looking down, and all the people going in and out of trains, going up and down of the escalators look like bees in a hive.
But I also think to myself, why do I have so little close friends (relative speaking). Like, a person living in a 1000-people village probably have more close friends than I do! I probably have more acquaintances than she does, but in terms of close friends... I'm really not too sure.
But I also think to myself, why do I have so little close friends (relative speaking). Like, a person living in a 1000-people village probably have more close friends than I do! I probably have more acquaintances than she does, but in terms of close friends... I'm really not too sure.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Response to my own blog, March 2015
I realised that my blog posts are getting increasingly less intellectual (not that I ever was but yeah). This coincides with recent comments from a few of my friends that NUS is making me more dumb. Maybe my brain isn't functioning as well as it used to. That's really sad because I have really big dreams that I want to fulfill that I will definitely need brains for.
What's my dream? Creating a culture of appreciation. Appreciation for everything.
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I am not the only one." - If you don't know where this is from, google it.
P.S. As you can tell, my posts tend to progress to something totally unrelated to the title.
What's my dream? Creating a culture of appreciation. Appreciation for everything.
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I am not the only one." - If you don't know where this is from, google it.
P.S. As you can tell, my posts tend to progress to something totally unrelated to the title.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Response to my GL2102 essay
Omg I don't get why I'm having so much trouble writing my GL2102 essay... My current confidence level is like zero and I just keep deleting&addingdeleting&adding meaningless words onto a Microsoft Word page.
Am I not cut out for Global Studies...?
Am I not cut out for Global Studies...?
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Does money influence our moral actions?
Just read in the paper (Straits Times) that the number of households who support their elderly parents "out of love" is higher in the above $8,000 monthly household income group as compared to households of lower monthly incomes, where the lower the monthly income, the less likely it is for the household to support it's elderly "out of love".
Are our morals determined by our capabilities? Or in this specific case, our economic status?
How does our control over money (or lack thereof) come between our moral intentions/actions?
I find this a bit dark... yet understandable.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Friday, 13 February 2015
Mid-semester response to Y1S2 2014/15
Half a semester has passed.... Don't feel like I've achieved much. Did I just waste like, $2000?
Are rights man-made?
People only talk about rights when they feel threatened.
Are rights man-made?
People only talk about rights when they feel threatened.
Saturday, 7 February 2015
There's this visually impaired student in one of my modules and his father would come into lecture with him every time. He would politely go up to the podium and request to record the day's lecture. And then, very cautiously, he would place the recorder right beside the professor before retreating quietly back to the seat beside his son's.
This is probably only 1% of what most parents would do for their own child/children. Nevertheless, it warms my heart. And I'll end with this question: what are you willing to do for your family?
Friday, 16 January 2015
An endless rat race
Came across this remarkable piece of modern art. It's as old as I am. Meaning, people have been stuck in the same tedious cycle of living for at least 20 years now. Someone go put on the firecrackers.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Just a line that stood out to me today
"Some things, slide by so carelessly." - Smile Like You Mean It, The Killers
Monday, 12 January 2015
What happens after we die?
Consider these 3 scenarios:
1) After we die, we wait for our next life/ we go to hell or heaven/ other religious theories. And that of all religions, only one is "correct", or perhaps, there exists a sole force that governs all religions.
2) After we die, we simply cease to exist.
3) After we die, what happens to us depends on the belief that we held pre-death, on the assumption that there exists more than one universe. In a sense, all religious beliefs are "correct".
1) After we die, we wait for our next life/ we go to hell or heaven/ other religious theories. And that of all religions, only one is "correct", or perhaps, there exists a sole force that governs all religions.
2) After we die, we simply cease to exist.
3) After we die, what happens to us depends on the belief that we held pre-death, on the assumption that there exists more than one universe. In a sense, all religious beliefs are "correct".
The first two were straightforward enough. I came up with the third one after recalling some Fringe (a show of concentrated, wouldn't say pure, awesomeness) episodes so this is probably not a new/ original school of thought.
I'm just curious about what other people believe in (hence the poll) and your responses wouldn't really affect my current beliefs but do note that this should not be taken light-heartedly. And if you clicked 'Others' please comment down below on your alternative scenario/ belief.
Monday, 22 December 2014
Response to Y1S1 2014/15 results
HELLO! My blog is a hermit crab who has found a new home: https://enaeki.wordpress.com/
Just got my results today! And sadly, I am quite accurate when it comes to guessing my final results hah. Got a B- for GL1101E(this will be the first and last time I'm revealing my final grade), but who cares, I'm officially a Global Studies major! Lesson learnt from this semester: 好的开始是成功的一半 (A good start brings you halfway to success). I totally started on the wrong foot this sem, which was made worse by my complacency, thinking that college is easy to handle. Complacency is seriously one of my greatest weaknesses that has brought me down so many times... I am not going to let myself ruin my university life. Not only that, I realised that I have been constantly complaining about the modules that I'm taking and most of the time, I didn't take pride in my work. And when I did feel proud of my submission, it was returned with good results. So this is another lesson learnt. You'll do well when you enjoy what you're doing because you'll naturally put in more effort. I'm sure you've heard this more than once in your life (well, I certainly have) but you have to put it into practice for yourself to believe it. I'm glad that my Y1S1 results gave me a knock on my head cos I'm not about to let myself repeat the same mistakes again."It is through education that we are liberated from powerlessness, from the burden of mistrust directed against ourselves. To awaken the abilities that have been lying dormant within. To arouse and extend the soul’s aspiration to become full and complete. Can there be any more sublime experience in life?" - Daisaku Ikeda
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Response to Y1S1 2014/15 in NUS
HELLO! My blog is a hermit crab who has found a new home: https://enaeki.wordpress.com/
Caution: These are all my personal opinions. In other words, please just take it with a pinch of salt.
I really wanted to do this module review because I had a hard time deciding what mods to take as a freshie and bloggers who did mod reviews really help a lot by just giving me that peace of mind during module bidding. Also, simply because sometimes ivle offers no substantial course descriptions.
Mods that I took in Y1S1: FMA1206M, GL1101E, GEM1031, SN1101E, NM1101E. I will not be revealing my grades because they may set up unrealistic expectations for certain people.
FMA1206M - Food Politics
- Bid points: 300+
- weekly responses, research paper (own choice)
By far the best mod I've taken this sem. The 300+ points were worth it. Super chill prof (Mr Matthew Lepori) but still carries the class well enough - especially during class discussions. I participated quite actively, which was hard not to because there are only 15 in the class (very limited quota) though in the middle I was getting a bit sian cos the various problems of food politics were ultimately based upon a few fundamental issues so it was more like looking at those issues through the various aspects e.g. land, labour etc. We also had to do a one-page response every week based on one part/all of the week's readings; very manageable.
The research paper was 70% and works exactly like an EE (those who took IB will know this) so I thought I had it in the bag but the research period also fell during the presentation overload + midterms weeks so I didn't have a solid research. Which is still, no excuse because I should've given more thought to my research topic. First draft ended up with a less than ideal grade. I was still thankful because I knew that he was rather lenient and gave me extra credit for doing a survey.
GL1101E - Global Issues (Exposure mod for Global Studies)
- Bid points: 200+
- Term paper (assigned questions),
- Group essay/presentation,
- Finals (short and long answer)
GL1101E can be used to fulfil either the Humanities or Social Science exposure basket. This is my intended major so I put in a bit more effort for this module. I participated actively in class throughout the 4 tutorials (I heard all political science mods are like that) and I probably scored quite well for class part because my tutor/lecturer (Dr Hyejin Kim, who is also the author of the novel Jia) actually recognised me outside of class (She couldn't recall my name but it was more that I'd ask for).
For the lectures, I know a few friends that don't like Dr Kim's pictorial-talking style but personally I find it more engaging especially cos she's the type that likes to bring in some personal experiences regarding the topics. So lecture is basically just summary of readings + Kim's own relevant experience.
I liked the readings because they really made you give a second thought about our perceived image of globalisation. The only flip side is that the readings are crazy long. For a freshie. So obviously I didn't finish all the readings. I think 80 pages was the minimum each week haha. But if you're one of those people who keep up on current affairs regularly and have a good background in history, this mod should be rather straightforward and easy to ace. Didn't do too well for my term paper though; I semi-bullshitted my way through 40% of the paper and ended up with (what seemed to be) the average grade for this assignment.
First grade that I got from this mod was a B- (okay this will be the only grade I will ever reveal just to remind myself and others to not repeat my mistakes) and it was a HUGE blow to me because I didn't expect it to be that bad. It was a group essay cum presentation thing and we had to choose one TNC and explore one or more issues surrounding that TNC; e.g. environmental, political. Although I know that our essay wasn't the best shit on earth but I was at least expecting a B/B+. Not because I thought that our essay was superb, but because there were 2 seniors in my group so I thought that the standard of our essay would be sufficient for a decent grade since they've spent an appropriate number of years in NUS. Everyone did what they needed to do but I guess we overestimated ourselves.
The final paper wasn't too bad but certain questions definitely require students to read and analyse the readings rather than simply depending on students' knowledge on concepts/ current affairs/ history.
SN1101E - Exposure module for South Asian Studies
- Bid points: 1
- Group presentation,
- Midterm (MCQs and short answer),
- Finals (long and short answer)
I did okay for midterms cos the MCQs were surprisingly easy except for a few random trivial fact type of questions, unlike NM's. My short answer pulled me down actually, sigh. I was super thankful that the lecturer decided to change the format of this semester's finals(which were not too bad too). Past year papers can be found it in NUS library.
I was quite a umm, leech (SO not proud of it) for group presentation; simply because I had no idea what was going on for the topic that I chose and I had three Year 2s in my group that did a lot of work. There were 6 in a group so we split into 3 pairs for each South Asian country that we covered. My partner literally assigned me what to research on, with 50% of the research already done by him. I feel super bad but at the same time, it was kinda for the better cos I really had no clue where to begin. Will never let this happen again.
There were two main lecturers and both were quite passionate about what they're teaching. Actually most of the info presented during lectures are not too far from the readings(comes as a course pack) so I guess the lectures just made it easier for me to pick out what to take note of. But because I didn't have much of an interest in South Asia (wanted SEA but the bid points were too high), I didn't really enjoy studying for it except for the Sino-South Asia relations and Gender in India topics.
GEM1031 - Study of Names
- Bid points: around 150
- Midterms (short answers, open book)
- Group essay/ presentation
- Term essay (1000 words)
- Finals (short answers, open book)
2 misconception that I had when I decided to take this module. 1) I thought this mod would be super interesting and chill (which is actually not that inaccurate), 2) I overestimated my interest in the English language. I complained a lot about this module because I didn't really consider what I was learning useful? I know I'm probably offending lots of people but for me it was really one of those interesting to know but impractical subjects.
Both the midterms and finals were in similar formats, the prof (Dr Peter Tan) provides past year final papers on IVLE. Both are open book exams, aka saving my ass. Oh, and do bring along your term essay for the final paper!
Actually, now that I think of it, I don't know why I ranted so much about this mod throughout the sem cos the prof is actually a really nice guy and even prints out the notes for you. .... Probably cos I only enjoyed doing the term essay where I did a comparative analysis of puppy names and baby names and was rewarded with a decent score.
NM1101E - Exposure module for Comm. & New Media
Bid points: 1
- 1 individual assignment,
- 2 group assignments,
- Midterm (MCQs),
- Finals (MCQ)
Didn't enjoy this module at all. Lectures were boring, readings were seldom interesting (there was this whole 30 paged chapter on group communication aka talking about teamwork and shit and this was not the only redundant chapter). I remember being shocked by the midterms questions cos I could barely do 50% of the 25 MCQ questions. It was just a bunch of jargon on everyday topics. So, if you don't study and you're bad at guessing the definitions of the terms, don't expect a good grade. Finals were 90 MCQ questions, probably cos they doubled the quota to 400+ for that particular sem and it wasn't too different from midterms; random questions here and there.
Tutorials (1h or less) weren't too bad at first and tutorial time always passed like a bullet train. The only good thing that came out of the tutorials was my marketeers gang (inside joke). By the time we reached the last few tutorials we couldn't even be bothered with the materials that we're suppose to prepare. 3 assignments that we had to complete: 1 individual and 2 group (randomly assigned). Not difficult to score as long as you apply the concepts and having group members who are good at fluffling helps too.
Hope this post will be insightful for anyone who gets to read this and all the best for the upcoming semester! :)
P.S. Year 1s, please take advantage of your S/Us to either 1) clear out compulsory mods that you're not confident in, or 2) take advantage of people who slack around (like I did) and emerge at the top of the bell curves. I was stupid not to make full use of this privilege, don't make the same mistake.
Edit (25/12/2015):
According to Google stats, this is the most-viewed post on my blog. Not surprising because this is one of the more useful posts on my blog HAHA. But the thing that I want to point out is, whether it applies to you or not, please don't be too dependent on such a post like mine. The main objective of me providing this post is just to give a peace of mind to freshies who might find starting school in a new environment daunting and to point out any modules that might differ from their module description.
I personally feel that at the end of the day, it is best to choose the modules that you find interesting. Of course, it is important to make sure that the modules that you take are manageable, but I just get disappointed when I hear people choosing modules just because they heard that it is easier to do. I have a very average CAP, like second lower kind of average haha, and I definitely wish my CAP can become higher with easy modules but that's not the point of university education. Youth is a time for you to challenge yourself, not fall into a path that is easy to travel.
Let's try to create some meaning in our rigid university system.
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